Loneliness Above 40: How to Overcome

Loneliness Above 40: How to Overcome

In your younger years, you find it quite easy to make new friends and socialise. You have plenty of free time and opportunities to strike up conversations at social gatherings. As the years go on, it becomes more of a challenge to make time for friends and events. You’re usually working or have a family to take care of.  Trying to balance various schedules can be tough and everyone isn’t available during the same times. It can be quite daunting and intimidating to have to meet new people and deal with the first encounter where you don’t know what to talk about. You don’t know anything about what they are interested in or their hobbies so you have no idea what they like to do. Loneliness starts to approach and you don’t know how to overcome this problem.

An App For Every Interest

The app FriendZone has been created to help you with this problem. FriendZone allows you to not have to worry about having similar interests as someone else because we do that job for you. When you download the app, a variety of icons will pop up where you get to choose the interests you like. With over 100 interests, there’s a niche for everyone. All you have to do afterwards is find people who share your common interests. We organise your top matches with others by age, distance from each other, and more. You then get to check their profile and see what exactly they have in common with you and FriendZone them. You will never have to face loneliness again!

With FriendZone, you can chat with them, share what you like to do, build a connection, and even meet them offline! The relationships start through the app, and then you can nurture it and eventually find your BFF. You can meet up with them at a coffee shop or go to a movie you both want to see. You

It’s easier than you think to form adult relationships. It may be scary and intimidating at first, but make it an adventure. See it as a challenge that you will face because it will make your life more exciting. FriendZone can be your first step in the right direction and we believe it’s the right change for you. 

Beta version available now in the Google Play Store, download today!